Rotarian Juliet Majuru
Rotarian Juliet Mujuru was inducted into Rotary on the 28th of February 2021 after being introduced to Rotary by her brother Chorus Nyamakunda who is also a Rotarian of Rotary Club of Burnham Beeches District 1090. She is the current Director for the New Generations Committee for the year 2023/2024. Since joining Rotary, she has served in the Fellowship and Fundraising and Service Projects Committees.
Rotarian Juliet was recognised with a Rookie of Year Award for the year 2021/2022.
Rotarian Juliet is a Personal Assistant by profession who has vast experience with reputable companies in Zimbabwe.
Classification - Secretarial
Committee members
Rotarian Brenda
Past President Sevias
Past President Leocadia
Rotarian Tendai